I didn't really enjoy this school. The only good thing about it was meeting my friends every day doing Art classes , English & Technology. I don't really like the fact about studying all the subjects because most of the i won't even use them. I also didn't like most of the teachers and students but there are some cool teachers. I am happy I'm gonna change this school and study drawing because I enjoy this more than any subject.
The English subject this year was one of the best years because of the teacher and I also really like english . I don't really think I learned much this year. But I thing that as the time goes pass I will realise the english classes where helpful. I think I have learned more english talking this language with my friends and I also went to private english classes some years ago and I really did ejnoy them but I got tired of them after 5 years. I don't think the fact of learing english is about a good or bad teacher is just you have to like this language and beeing keen to learn more about it.
Hi my name is Wiktor I'm doing 4th of eso and this blog is gona help you find yourself.
dijous, 8 de juny del 2017
dijous, 25 de maig del 2017
One of the places I would like to travel in the future is the place where the movie Avatar was filmed. It is a national forest park located in China. It is based on really tall and thin mountains covered in green grass and trees. I would like to travel there with my photo camera so I could take some nice pictures of the mountains and the foggy atmosphere.

dimecres, 24 de maig del 2017
dimecres, 10 de maig del 2017
dimecres, 3 de maig del 2017
Rock Islands Southern Lagoon
Rock Islands Southern Lagoon covers 100,200 ha and includes 445 uninhabited limestone islands of volcanic origin. These mushroom-like shapes are surrounded by 385 coral species. These islands sustain many types of birds and marine life including at least thirteen shark species. It was finaly inscribed in 2012.
dimecres, 26 d’abril del 2017
I never really watch love movies because they are never really very interesting for me. This movie is the most similar to a love kind of movie of all those that I've watched.
I have watched this movie a few years ago when it was quite new. It has been released in 2012. I didn't watch it in the cinema I watched it with my dad at home.
The muovie is about going straight in to the love. It's about a boy that is more or less 12 years old and he mets his teacher and she begis a sexual realationship with him. Then when they realise that the teacher is pregnant she is send to prison and the boy has no idea about her for some years
dimecres, 19 d’abril del 2017
Best Italy picture
I took this picture zooming in to the birds with the long lents.
The photo was taken in the Piazza Del Campo in Siena.
You can see some of the sculptures of the Gaia Fountain.
We had to meet in this square with the group and me and some friends saw the fountain and it wasn't very crowded so we went to look at it. Then i saw that there were a lot of birds drinking from the fountain and I took some pictures of them. Later I saw that the birds were flying from one sculpture to another so I thought i could shot the photo when they are in the air.
You can see that the birds are flying because of the blurry wings.
The photo was taken in the Piazza Del Campo in Siena.
You can see some of the sculptures of the Gaia Fountain.
We had to meet in this square with the group and me and some friends saw the fountain and it wasn't very crowded so we went to look at it. Then i saw that there were a lot of birds drinking from the fountain and I took some pictures of them. Later I saw that the birds were flying from one sculpture to another so I thought i could shot the photo when they are in the air.
You can see that the birds are flying because of the blurry wings.
diumenge, 12 de març del 2017
My favourite city
My favourite city is Barcelona. I´m lucky i don't live that far away from it. Basically I like this city because it has really nice modern art and alot of it can be used for skating and scootering. It also has alot of good skateparks and places to ride when its wet. I also like it because it reminds me of good times with Friends when we go on a school trip or just a trip with me Friends.
I don't think i would enjoy living there because all the traffic and the amount of people that lives there would end up beeing tiring. But anyway I always have alot of fun when i go there and always want to go back when I leave.
Shot types and camera angles
LOW ANGLE: Makes the structure look bigger and more majestic.

CLOSE UP SHOT: Normaly this type of shot its made to show the expresión of the face.

AERIAL SHOT: This is a type of shot that shows the things from above, normaly it's taken in a areplane or helicopter.

LONG SHOT: This shot shows you the farest and the nearest points of the picture.

LOW ANGLE: Makes the structure look bigger and more majestic.

CLOSE UP SHOT: Normaly this type of shot its made to show the expresión of the face.

AERIAL SHOT: This is a type of shot that shows the things from above, normaly it's taken in a areplane or helicopter.
LONG SHOT: This shot shows you the farest and the nearest points of the picture.
Last week we went to the Caixa forum museum. We saw the exibicion about the coleccion of Sebastian Salgado called Genesis.
In this photo there are some peinguins going down the clif of the iceberg. One of them is jumping in to the wáter.
I like this picture because i think it was really hard to take it and it is just taken in the perfect moment. If I think of how cold it was there when the photographer was taking the picture and how dificult was it to get this angle i see the picture even more amazing.
dimecres, 1 de febrer del 2017
Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her everyday.
Read more: Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are Lyrics | MetroLyrics
The song is about a man who loves his girlfriend and tells her the things he feels with her and why he loves her.
I like the song because of the nice lyrics and the voice of the singer.
dimecres, 25 de gener del 2017
Donald Trump
In the speech Donald Trump says that he wants to make America great again . He wants America to be a country for only Americans. He doesn't want people from other countries in America because he says that the immigrants take their jobs.
dimecres, 18 de gener del 2017
Scooter its a modern sport that's its getting famous . I ride my scooter nearly every day. I go to different skateparks that are sometimes quite far but we like going on train to see diferent places. I don't really remember how I started scootering but it was about 4 years ago. I remember I started scootering with a friend that doesn't scooter anymore. Thanks to my scooter I met some english friends from the school that like scootering too. Now I don't know what would I do without scootering. I did lots of other sports in the past and scootering I kept doing until today. I think will keep scootering for some more years. It is fun when me and my friends go to some skatepark and when the kids see us riding they always ask how did we get that good.
dimecres, 11 de gener del 2017
1. Don`t do the homework on the last day.
I would like to try and do the homework on time so I can have time for all of the tasks.
2.keeep having good marks.
I have to try and keep the same marks that i had in the last term but its not gona be that easy because this term its a bit more difficult.
3.Getting hunk crew more famous.
We have to keep scootering and posting videos and gettin more popular in the scooter comunity so we can get sponsored .
4. Get 420 followers on instagram.
This is just because I like the 420 number and I'm close to having that many followers.
I would like to try and do the homework on time so I can have time for all of the tasks.
2.keeep having good marks.
I have to try and keep the same marks that i had in the last term but its not gona be that easy because this term its a bit more difficult.
3.Getting hunk crew more famous.
We have to keep scootering and posting videos and gettin more popular in the scooter comunity so we can get sponsored .
4. Get 420 followers on instagram.
This is just because I like the 420 number and I'm close to having that many followers.
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