What is the comic relief?
It is a comic moment during a serious or dramatic scene in a horror film. It is suposed to make comments that would be inappropriate for a character who is to be taken seriously.
Why is it often used in horror films?
It is used to brake the suspence in the scene.
Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you thing of an example?
Yes, I always find a funny scene to laugh in a horror movie.
Hi my name is Wiktor I'm doing 4th of eso and this blog is gona help you find yourself.
dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2016
dimecres, 7 de desembre del 2016
The Famous Shower
- Who's the director of this movie Psycho?
The director of the movie Alfred Hitchcook
- What type of characters did he often use in horror movies?
He used to have a thin line between sanity and insanity ,serial killers and beautiful predatory women.
- What technique did he use with the camera?
He used the subjective technique. Shooting from the killer's point of view.
dimecres, 30 de novembre del 2016
This movie is about a group of University students that want to save the trees and a dying tribe in the jungle in Amazon. When they arrive there they tie eachother to the trees and protest to cut them. The protest goes well for them so they get a plane back to New York . For some reason they have a planecrash and only a few of them survive. They are found by a tribe of cannivals. The cannivals put them in a cage and after a few days they start killing them one each day. The students try to escape but they keep dying.At the end only one girl escapes from the island.
I like this film because some parts are that scary and gross that you dan't want to look at the TV. Also because during the movie you are keen for the end and you want to know if any of the students will survive.
dilluns, 28 de novembre del 2016
Two day of the holidays in Poland
The second day I got up very early because I had to go with my father to dive in a few lakes that were quite far away from my town. We go there with my dad and my cousin. The journey lasted an hour and a half. We arrived there at 11 then we went to lunch at a restaurant. After lunch we went for a diving class before going to the Lake. We did the class and after this I saw that diving was not so easy. We went to put the divingsuit, and after we went in the Lake with by two instructors . In the lake we couldn't see anything at more than 3 meters but when we got down to more depth we could see the things that the people throw into the Lake. I saw a fridge and whole cars. When we came out of the water we went to change ourselves and then we went home. We got home and we had dinner. After I went to the skatepark. At 7 we went with some friends to thr center of the city. We rode scooters and we went to a bar. After I ask my grandmother if I could stay at a friend's house and she said me that I could stay. Me and a few friends went to the house of my friend who had a small house near the river where his father lets him invite friends there. We swam in the river at night and then we went to the house to watch a movie.
The second day I got up very early because I had to go with my father to dive in a few lakes that were quite far away from my town. We go there with my dad and my cousin. The journey lasted an hour and a half. We arrived there at 11 then we went to lunch at a restaurant. After lunch we went for a diving class before going to the Lake. We did the class and after this I saw that diving was not so easy. We went to put the divingsuit, and after we went in the Lake with by two instructors . In the lake we couldn't see anything at more than 3 meters but when we got down to more depth we could see the things that the people throw into the Lake. I saw a fridge and whole cars. When we came out of the water we went to change ourselves and then we went home. We got home and we had dinner. After I went to the skatepark. At 7 we went with some friends to thr center of the city. We rode scooters and we went to a bar. After I ask my grandmother if I could stay at a friend's house and she said me that I could stay. Me and a few friends went to the house of my friend who had a small house near the river where his father lets him invite friends there. We swam in the river at night and then we went to the house to watch a movie.
Two days of the holidays in Poland
Day1:Today in the morning I've woke up and I went to have breakfast in my grandmothers kitchen. After breakfast I went skating to the skate park in my town. I was there like two hours and I decided to come back because I was tired. While back I felt that one car was beeping at me and when I turned around I saw it was my aunt.She told me that she can bring me home because she was also going there so I went up there to sabe some time. While we were driving my aunt asked me if I wanted to go with her to her work because she worked in a coffee shop near a river where I could swim. I wanted to go but no on my own so i said if I could ask a friend to come with me and she said OK so I called my friend. He said he can go there. When I finished talking with I picked up the swiming stuff and with my aunt we went to pick up my friend. We went to his house and he was already waiting for us he came in the car and we went to my aunt's Café. When we got there my aunt told us to get back before two so we could have something for lunch. We went to the river and swam to the other side because there is a tree that has a rope to jump in the river that we always use. We swam for a while and went to have lunch. After lunch we went walking home because my aunt stayed at work until later. When I got home I went to sleep because I was so tired.
dimecres, 23 de novembre del 2016
Physical Horror Stories
1-What is the story of the tell-tale heart about?
Its about a guy who killed and old man because of his eye and then tryied to hide him but he was to scared and showed the body to the police.
2-Who wrote it and invented the first macabre stories?
Edgar Allan Poe wrote and invented it first.
3-What was the first P.H.S?
The first P.H.S was Metzengerstin.
4-When was it first published?
It was first published in 1843
5-What other story type the author also wrote?
The other type of story he wrote was science fiction.
Its about a guy who killed and old man because of his eye and then tryied to hide him but he was to scared and showed the body to the police.
2-Who wrote it and invented the first macabre stories?
Edgar Allan Poe wrote and invented it first.
3-What was the first P.H.S?
The first P.H.S was Metzengerstin.
4-When was it first published?
It was first published in 1843
5-What other story type the author also wrote?
The other type of story he wrote was science fiction.
dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2016
THE GOTHIC NOVEL(G.N),the horror film
- Who invented the G.N?
- What was the first G.N?
- When was it first published?
- Which horror elements does the text mention?
Setting in a castle.
An atmosphere of mystery and suspense.
Supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events.
Women in distress.
The metonymy of gloom and horror.
5 words I want to learn:
dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2016
The 3 abilities I'm good at acording to the test are:
intrapersonal and intrepersonal: I kind of agree with that because I don't really care if I work in a group or I work alone. I'm good at both of them.
Logical-Mathematical: I'm not the best at maths but I can understand it easily so I agree with that.
Linguistic: I'm good at the language that I like .I'm good at English because I find it interesting and enjoy speaking it but I don't like and I'm not good at Spanish because its really dificult.
Visual-spatial: I dont like drawing in my spare time or when I'm bored but I enjoy art classes in school and I think they're more interesting than Sience or Geography
Musical: I agree with that 0% of musical because I don't like singing or playing instruments. The only think I like with music it's listening to it.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: I think this one should have more % because I enjoy doing sports and I'm good at most of them.
Naturalistic: I don't feel like I really care about nature.But I don't mind being in the countryside or in the city.
I can see me working in something related with English or studying in English. I don't want to work with something to do with Maths because I find it boring. I think I could work with other people in a group.Like I said before I don't find interesting playing an instrument. I would enjoy earing money thanks to a sport but I think it's difficul because you have to be really goot at it.
intrapersonal and intrepersonal: I kind of agree with that because I don't really care if I work in a group or I work alone. I'm good at both of them.
Logical-Mathematical: I'm not the best at maths but I can understand it easily so I agree with that.
Linguistic: I'm good at the language that I like .I'm good at English because I find it interesting and enjoy speaking it but I don't like and I'm not good at Spanish because its really dificult.
Visual-spatial: I dont like drawing in my spare time or when I'm bored but I enjoy art classes in school and I think they're more interesting than Sience or Geography
Musical: I agree with that 0% of musical because I don't like singing or playing instruments. The only think I like with music it's listening to it.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: I think this one should have more % because I enjoy doing sports and I'm good at most of them.
Naturalistic: I don't feel like I really care about nature.But I don't mind being in the countryside or in the city.
I can see me working in something related with English or studying in English. I don't want to work with something to do with Maths because I find it boring. I think I could work with other people in a group.Like I said before I don't find interesting playing an instrument. I would enjoy earing money thanks to a sport but I think it's difficul because you have to be really goot at it.
dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2016
Animal in you

Wolf characteristics:
- Medium sized
- Good looking
- Athletic
- Decisive
- Passionate
- Agressive
I agree in been medium sized and of course
good looking. I'm really good at alot of sports and I like nearly all of them. Quite decisive aswell. I don't really have a lot of passions but I do enjoy the ones I have but I don't feel like I'm a kind of agressive person because I try to stay away from arguments.
- Law enforcement: I don't think that would be my thing ,I find it quite borring and to serious
- Soldier: I find it to risky and dengerous to do that for a living.
- Medical fields: I don't like Biologi or Science so I don't think i would enjoy that
- Team sports
- Outdoors activities
- Theater
- Debating
dimecres, 28 de setembre del 2016
How I will go to woodward.
Today Im gona talk about my main dream which is going to USA Woodward. Woodward is the biggest skatepark in the world. It is not only about wheelsport like scooter,skate,bmx... there are plenty of other stuff like foampits ,trampoline parks ,dirt tracks...
To go there first thing I need is a lot of money to travel to America. The second way would be getting really good at scootering and have a sponsor so they could pay for my ticket. I could start working with my father now and earn money for the trip.Or start working when I finish ESO so I could have more time of the day to work and maybe find a more interesting job than helping my father with his buissnes.
I will try to make this dream true but it's so dificult so I'm hoping that in the future i will be able to aford the trip without problems.
dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2016
Be a profesional scooter rider
Meet reece Doezema
Go to Dubai
Live in England
Go shoping with rich chigga
Go to Chicago street jam
Dye my hair blond
Go to tomorrowland
Have a expensive car
Do a toilet paper fort
Know how to do a backflip flat
Flair on a scooter
Go to woodward
Segway in a safari
Play mini golf with Kim Kardashian
Go to a skatepark in Australia
Have a conversation with a parrot
Ride a monster truck
Meet reece Doezema
Go to Dubai
Live in England
Go shoping with rich chigga
Go to Chicago street jam
Dye my hair blond
Go to tomorrowland
Have a expensive car
Do a toilet paper fort
Know how to do a backflip flat
Flair on a scooter
Go to woodward
Segway in a safari
Play mini golf with Kim Kardashian
Go to a skatepark in Australia
Have a conversation with a parrot
Ride a monster truck
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